Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Focus on Spring

You need to treat spring as an event. The winter takes a serious tole on your emotions and your health. It is important to see spring as a chance to restore and rejuvenate. The weather is changing. Things are beginning to grow. It may not be time to step outside and do some growing, but that doesn't mean you cannot get started.

Mistake #1

Spring should not be seen as a chore. Do not make a to do list of all the chores that need to be done before you can enjoy the yard. Spring should not be seen as an expense.

Most people spend most of their spring shopping for new tools and products. This takes all the fun out of it. Instead, go looking for a theme. Once you have colors and textures in mind.

Think about planning the summer for a perfect picture that you can post on the wall. Then, go looking for products that will make it happen.

Mistake #2

The spring shouldn't be seen as fix-it time. Your body and your mind are not ready for this much work. You need to break into the outdoor life slowly. Have a little fun. There is time enough in the late spring or summer to take care of repairs.

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