Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Break Outside After a Long Winter

I've been chatting lately on the steps needed to get outside. If you over do it, then you'll burn out and hurt yourself. I've been focusing on this a lot because I've already hurt myself. In fact - I even broke my nose because I was trying to work harder than my body would allow.

Even if you have muscle, it is not toned. Your heart isn't toned. You can hurt muscles, put strain on internal organs, and take all the fun out of spring unless you prepare.

Step 1

Stretching is the first step. This is the time to start TAI CHI or Yoga. Stretch your body. Work slow, and keep moving until you feel your lungs start expanding.

Step 2

Start slow. The first steps should be visiting garden centers and taking a look at what is new for this year. Don't go out and rake the yard. In fact, maybe you should leave the hard work to a few teens who will gladly rake your yard for $20.00.

Step 3

Don't look at the work. Look at the final result. All the garden centers have catalogues. Create a collage of spring pictures. Bring together all the things you want to accomplish in your yard.

Step 3 might include taking a garden design class or a horticulture class. Just have some fun.

After all this you'll have been up and moving before you head outside. Your body will be relaxed and have become accustomed to moving. Don't overdo it. Set a time limit. Day 1, only work for 2 or 3 hours. Take every third day off, just like weight trainers do.

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