Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Spring Is On The Way

Spring is coming. Along with it comes all those chores. Right now, I need to look for different cushions for my outdoor table and chairs. At one time it was easy. We just went to town and bought a new set.

Now we have so many different chairs, benches, and lounges that finding a place to buy cushions that fit all is almost impossible. I haven't even tried to look locally this year. I've been looking online at sites like Outdoor Chair Cushions.

The problem isn't so much finding something that fits all the furniture styles I have. I also want something that I can leave outside without worrying that it will become covered in mould, or start to smell. This means that I need a fabric that will breathe, and a stuffing that dries quickly.

It all comes down to whether you want to be able to buy everything at one place, select the cushion styles you want, and then order them all in the same patter, or if you want to drive around and save money. I liked the chance to select the exact size to match the chair or lounge size, right down to the exact inch. I also liked the chance to fit the cushions to the right chair type. The price is a little high, but no higher than driving around for 2 or 3 weekends trying to mix and match stuff to fit my perfect patio.

My patio is an outdoor living room in the summer. I entertain more on the patio than I do in the dining room, and I paid $3600 just for my table in the dining room. I have seriously designed a dinner around what flowers will bloom on the day of the meal.

You are rarely thinking of this when you start buying cushions for your patio. All you are thinking of is the summer garden, getting the lawn off to a good start. Instead, think about what entertaining you want to do in the summer.

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