Friday, March 21, 2008

Diabetes Stats: Binging

Most people do not understand the damage binging can do to your body, until you have Diabetes. One of the main causes of type 2 dibestes is binging. That is how my husband became diabetic. He will go for days only eating lightly, then he will pile a plate high at 10pm (between 10 - 12) and then sit down and wolf it all in. Or, he will go for weeks without touching pop, and then drink 2 or 3 bottles of pop in a weekend.

I read a report based on women, binge eating and diabetes.

Binge eating typically involves episodes of gorging large amounts of food as well as experiencing a loss of control of eating during those episodes. Binge eaters do not use vomiting or other behaviours to compensate for their binges.

'This study shows that binge eating disorders may contribute to the onset of diabetes,' Dr Kenardy said.

Read More about Diabetes

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