Friday, March 21, 2008

Wedding Invitations

The success of my 'romance: second time around' articles has shown me that my readers want to hear more about love and romance. It brings up something in my life. I never invested much into my second wedding. It was more of a Christmas party than a wedding.

This sounded like a good decision at the time, but I think it left me with a loss that I'll never have back. So I am going to post about the importance of cherishing your second relationship as you did the first.

I would choose these invitations if I knew then what I knew now. I would have inscribed them with a precious verse that gave insight to the lessons I've learned about love and relationships. I think the Beach Wedding Invitations make a real statement about starting over, and the importance of enjoying life and 'stopping to enjoy life.'

I like classic elegance in a wedding invitation. I might have chosen this one, but I really don't think this is the message I wanted to give people the second time around. A Wedding Invitation should send a message.

When I got married the first time there was no thought. We just picked something that was as good - or better - than what our friends were picking. I laugh now looking back. It amazed me that I was so immature, and making the most important decision of my youth.

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