Friday, March 21, 2008

Couple Relationship Secret - 2 Ideas for Romancing your Partner

The most heart breaking time of my life was the first few months after I married. My first husband did all the right things. He courted me, bought me gifts, talked to me. Then, after the marriage, he treated me like a house servant. In his defense, he was only acting the way his father taught him to. He married a wife so he had someone to clean his house.

The second time I married, I made sure that the person I married knew that I was not a house servant, and that I expected the romance to continue. This was not a fail safe, but it did set the ground for future growth.

After some rough spots, we learned that romance was not an imposition, it was fun. We are still dating, and teaching our son how to continue the romance after he marries.

Couple Relationship Secret - 2 Ideas for Romancing your Partner

When you meet that special someone, the first 6 six months is super hot and heavy. You simply can't wait to see or talk to your new lover. Sex is happening as much as you possibly can. You're still learning about each other, every date is a learning experience about the other person.

Romance that seems to be effortless during the beginning of a couple's relationship is now fading over time. This is natural as a couple becomes more familiar with each other, they are making less effort to romance each other. When this happens it is time for the couple to start making a conscious effort to recharge their romance, and hence their relationship as well.

Here are few ways to recharge your Romance and to enhance your relationship:

Remember your first date with your partner, the amount of effort you had put in, to prepare for it. The excitement you had in anticipation of your hot date with this person. Now you can plan a date with your partner to recreate your first date together all over again. Go to the same restaurant, and order the same food you did for your first date. Also, don't forget to put in the same effort you had to prepare for your first date. This definitely will recharge your romance, and will bring excitement into your relationship that was like it was in the beginning.

Tell your partner, "I love you". Make this a daily habit if possible. Although you may think that they know you love them, no one has ever tired of hearing being told "I love you" in a healthy romantic relationship. Those 3 little words simply melt hearts.

And now I would like to invite you to read the complete article for more ideas on How To Add Romance Into Your Relationship With Your Partner!

Eugene Cheung is a coach, author and speaker. His enjoys writing about joy and happiness, law of attraction, personal development and internet marketing. More articles at

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