Wednesday, April 09, 2008

You Are What You Think

Life can become hectic. Most of us can control the voices in our heads. We can control the thoughts. If we think something that is unreasonable, we don't react with emotions, we just dismiss the idea.

People with emotional and mood disorders did not learn this skill. Something in their past sent the wrong messages. Their warped reality and cognitive skills, or lack of them, prevented them from learning to function as a part of society.

It is easy to tell if you have a problem:

1. Do you treat your family the same way you treat your boss?

2. Do you act the same way at church as you do at home?

3. Would you treat your boss, a stranger, someone at the golf course the way you treat your spouse and children?

4. Do you act differently in your home than you act in public?

5. Do you feel like a bad person

6. Do you feel like you don't ever need a self help program - you have 'all' the answers.

You only need to say yes to three of these.

There are some ways to start healing:

1. Any statement that starts "I want..." Should end with..."Will will do it now."

Most people with mood disorders are out of control of their moods and control over their lives, so they try to compensate by making other people 'perfect.' This enables them to maintain their outward image - making it easier for them to avoid the truth of who they really are.

2. Don't Say Should

Every sentence that has the word 'should' in it, whether directed at yourself or others, is a 'conditioning' and manipulative exercise that warps what is 'real.' In this world - should and reality - never mix. They are opposites.

The reality is what is happening.

The facade is what 'one person' needs to happen (should happen) so their emotions can remain under control.

3. Negative Thoughts

Keep a Journal. Every time you think a negative thought put an X in the book under the current day's date.

Before going to bed, take 5 minutes to remember something fun that happened in your life. Tell a joke. Even if you are only talking to yourself. Some people must talk out-loud for the program to work. Others can just think it. You'll know within hours which one works for you.

4. Let Go of Power

Power can be addictive. Some people like to have power over others. It boosts their self esteem. It provides a rush. The day comes when the rush is more valuable than the lives of those around you, including your own.

Any type of manipulation or control is inappropriate behavior. Controlling others is a cowards way to covering the fact that they cannot control themselves.

5. Focus What is Happening Now

When you argue, do not bring up situations that happen in the past.

Do not compare people in the present with people from your past.

Do not expect people to feel sorry for you because of your past.

When you are angry, sit down and ask yourself what bad happened that made you angry. In most cases, you cannot find an answer.

Why are you acting the way you are? In most cases, the answer is 'I don't know.' This is a dead give away that there is something wrong with your cognitive processes. (cognitive - thinking process).

Fear of the present is another 'red flag' that something is wrong. Forcing everyone to continue the fight in a 'past' or 'fantasy' situation only feeds the negative cognitive processes and continues to allow your emotions to control you.

The goal of all this?

To be in control of your life - finally.

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