Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Myth About Weight Loss

I've been doing a lot of web surfing this spring. I am glad to see that bloggers are spreading the word. You don't need to kill yourself to get ready for spring. I've read many blogs that states you should just move - any way you can.

One of the most over looked aspects of getting your body moving is water intake. As your body moves, it needs water. If you don't give it enough water, you'll suffer leg and arm cramps. You also want to cut back on the salt. Both of these will help your body grow accustomed to the extra movement after a winter of watching television or driving to work.

You may feel groggy and slow. Your skin's glow is gone, and skin becomes itchy and sensitive. The soft creams and aromatherapy will wake the soul and lighten the skin. A body scrub and aromatic massage will open pours and help your body cleanse.

Ingredients such as eucalyptus and lemongrass have an energizing effect on the skin. Adding Jasmine tea to the afternoon ritual will help tell your body it is time to come out of hibernation.

The exotic spices and fragrant blooms combined with the gentle sound of soothing music will wash your senses and lull you into a state of relaxed bliss. All of these things will bring you back to life.

This is not the time for a colon cleansing or detox unless you've been living a healthy life, or you've spent the last month preparing. Start slow. Be gentle. Nurture your body and it will not fail you.

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