Friday, March 14, 2008

Oysters Are Health Food

I mentioned a few days ago about the benefits of gulf oysters for sexual drive. But, they have more benefits. There are a lot of nutrients in this tasty little morsel that are needed in our bodies. Gulf oysters are an excellent source of zinc, vitamin B-12, and omega-3 fatty acids which reduces triglycerides (the bad fat in the blood).Six medium oysters contain only 58 calories.

However, it is important how to eat oysters. There are dangers to eating raw oysters. Gulf Oysters are healthier, because of the way they are processed.
An oyster pumps 25 gallons of water through its body each day.

Those that reside in polluted waters, can have potentially harmful organisms deposited in the oyster. Therefore, fresh water, or raw oysters from areas that are polluted aren't goody to eat. Never eat an oyster that was opened before cooking/serving, dead oysters increase the health risks. Cooked oysters, and Gulf Oysters, are a different story.

Are Gulf Oysters Healthy? YES

The GOIC believes that an informed consumer is the right approach for managing Vibrio vulnificus risk. The FDA believes that consumers with impaired immune systems are potentially at risk when eating 'raw' oysters. With more than 50 million servings of Gulf oysters consumed annually, only about 30 cases of Vibrio vulnificus illness occur annually from that population. This is a fraction of the number of people who suffer from eating undercooked beef.

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