Thursday, March 27, 2008

Colon Cleansing Cookies

Use a no fat cookie recipe like the one in a previous post and add the following to the cookies - not all at once! It is important to remember that no colon cleansing works without water. Drink one bottle of water with each cookie. You could technically, add these to muffins or scones.

In the previous recipes, just replace some of the ingredients with the following.

Activated charcoal

Activated charcoal binds intestinal toxins and unfriendly microbial growth and excretes them in the stools. 500-600 mg three times per day 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals and medication.


The seeds contain substances which promote good health. They are rich in alpha-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid (omega-3 fatty acids ) that helps reduce heart disease.


The digestive tract is a delicate balance of healthy and potentially harmful micro-organisms. Probiotics, the healthy micro-organisms, increase the level of protective bacteria and is a treatment for many health conditions. Take 1 capsule three times per day if you are into pills.

Yogurt often has probiotics. Have some with your cookies. Add some to muffins.


Psyllium cleanses the mucus lining of the intestines and increases the bulk of stools. 1 teaspoon psyllium powder three times per day. Stir psyllium into 8 oz water and drink immediately. Take with activated charcoal. Of course this fiber can be used to replace oats, flax, and other grains.

Take one to two teaspoons of ground psyllium seeds with eight ounces of water, taken one to three times per day. For constipation, take it in the evening to stimulate a bowel movement the following morning.


Rhubarb contains powerful laxative compounds called anthraquinones, which irritate the colon and stimulate bowel movements.


Senna shouldn't be taken for more than 7 days. It shouldn't be taken by pregnant women or people who are ill. It can darken stool.

How to Clean Your Colon

Colon cleansing is not as much about adding things to your diet, but removing the unhealthy things such as meats, refined flour, and refined sugar. IT is also important to learn to avoid binging. Binging causes digestive problems and is one of the main causes of Type 2 Diabetes.

The most important element is increasing water in your diet. Water helps the skin remove toxins (its main purpose) and helps pass waste and toxins out of the body. If the body lacks water then the toxins back up.

Tea may work, but coffee will not. Water is a solvent. It is one of the best solvents in the world. If you add stuff to the chemical compound then it is no longer an effective solvent.

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