Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Popular Stress Prevention Tips

The stress response of the body is somewhat like an airplane readying for take-off. Virtually all systems (the heart and blood vessels, the immune system, the lungs, the digestive system, the sensory organs, and brain) are modified to meet the perceived danger.

External stressors include adverse physical conditions (such as pain or hot or cold temperatures) or stressful psychological environments (such as poor working conditions or abusive relationships). Humans, like animals, can experience external stressors.

Internal stressors can also be physical (infections, inflammation) or psychological. An example of an internal psychological stressor is intense worry about a harmful event that may or may not occur. As far as anyone can tell, internal psychological stressors are rare or absent in most animals except humans.

Different Types of Stress

Specific Phobias: It is a consuming fear of a specific object or situation, often accompanied by extreme anxiety symptoms. What to look for: Do you come up with elaborate ways to avoid the object or situation? Do you dread the next possible encounter? Are you aware that the fear is excessive but you are unable to control it? Does just thinking about the thing you fear make you anxious? You should not worry if you simply hate snakes or heights or crowds.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: It is repeated, anxious reliving of a horrifying event over an extended period of time. What to look for: After witnessing or experiencing or hearing about an event that caused or threatened to cause serious injury you may: Have recurrent recollections or dreams about the experience? Feel emotionally or physically as if the event were still happening? Experience intense anxiety when something reminds you of the event? Try to avoid thoughts, feelings, activities or places associated with the event? Have difficulty recalling details of the event? Experience anxiety symptoms such as irritability, jumpiness, difficulty sleeping, feeling of detachment from others, diminished interest in things, feelings that your future is in some way limited? Often this disorder will not appear until sometime after the event.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: It is excessive anxiety or worry occurring on a regular basis over a six month period. What to look for: Look for restlessness, difficulty concentrating or sleeping, irritability, tiredness and muscle tension. If you have two or more of these symptoms for six months then seek help as the condition responds to treatment.

Panic Disorder: It is recurrent and unexpected attacks of acute anxiety, usually coming to a peak within 10 minutes. Such panic attacks may occur in a familiar situation such as a crowded elevator or on a crowded bus. What to look for: Look for palpitations, chest pains, sweating, chills or hot flushes, trembling, shortness of breath or choking, nausea, light-headedness or feeling of unreality. Sometimes a panic attack can emanate in the fear of loosing control or dying. Three or more of these symptoms in at least two discrete episodes could spell trouble.

Stress Prevention Tips

Prevention is better than cure. We can make certain choices about our lifestyle that will minimize the likelihood of stress building up to crisis point, by choosing a lifestyle that recognizes our needs, and balances our giving and receiving in life.

Develop a good support network of family and friends
Identify individual stressors and deal with them one by one
Practice regular relaxation and controlled breathing exercises
Reflect on current behavior and though patterns - develop a positive outlook, challenge negative behavior in yourself
Take time to exercise regularly
Eat a balanced diet
Manage emotions effectively
Develop regular sleep patterns
Manage time effectively
Mental stimulation - challenge beliefs, access new information, keep learning
Do something where you 'lose time', become involved, enjoy and get lost in
Commit to the above principles in order to manage stress.

Read about Penis Enlargement Exercises and Premature Ejaculation Cure.

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