Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Some Useful Tips for a Successful Relationship

I remember listening to the radio one day while my husband and I had a long car trip. Hour after hour the men on the radio cried over the fact that their wives left them. I turned to my husband and said "You know, if they put 1/2 the effort into their wives and they are doing crying over losing them - they'd still be married.'

My husband paused, but had to agree. Men have the bad habit of investing more time into crying over lost love than they put into keeping their marriage. It is something to think about.

Some Useful Tips for a Successful Relationship

Many people are using online dating as an alternative to meeting new people, people we would never have met had it not been for online dating. The idea of finding an activity partner, soul-mate, or a pen pal is somewhat new to us. However, thousands of people have had success at finding a partner through the use of an online dating site. But how can you guarantee the success of your newly found relationship?

In this article we will give you some useful tips you can follow to improve the longevity of your relationship.

You should date slowly.

All too often many singles get caught up in the heat of the moment and they tend to move a bit faster than they should. Recent studies have proven that singles who date for at least two years before getting married have a significantly better chance of their marriage being successful.

Dating slowly can be difficult. Physical attraction and lust can force couples into a serious relationship before they are emotionally ready for it.

There are many older singles who tend to move faster during a relationship because they believe moving slowly is wasting time. However, it's better to be single than it is to be in an unhappy relationship. You should take things slowly if you are seeking a serious long term relationship.

You should have realistic expectations.

We have all been influenced by the media in some way or another sometimes we may have unrealistic expectations about our relationships. Life can be a complicated and stressful experience, having a good relationship with your partner will not make life easier.

You should always date to please yourself.

We have all been taught that we should not be selfish however, when it comes down to whom you should date the rules may be different. Being selfish is crucial when choosing a relationship partner. If your parents and friends approve of your partner it's great. However, if they do not approve the final decision is yours.

You should date with a purpose.

We all have positive and negative things about us and our personality however, serious personality imperfections deserve special attention. If you are considering a long term relationship with someone you are dating you need to face the facts which has been responsible for many unsuccessful marriages.

If you have been struggling with personal problems while you are dating, they will not go away after you are married, sometimes they get worse.

The belief that problems such as drug dependency, alcoholism, and physical abuse will magically resolve on their own is wishful thinking. It's best to deal with these problems early on in the relationship. If the person is unwilling or unable to change, you should end the relationship and move on.

These are a few tips you can use to ensure the success of your relationship. Dating slowly and creating a solid foundation is the key to success and longevity in any relationship.

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