Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Piano Lessons Remembered

I remember taking piano lessons when young. They continued until I grew large enough to take the bus to a new teacher, my first 'real' teacher. She was an older woman - old - as my childhood mind understood. I once thought that old meant that she should be taking things easier.

She laughed at me. I don't think I had a piano lesson that day. We drank tea and she taught me one of the most important lesson I have ever learned. She told me that I we never stop living until we stop learning. At one time I might have taken piano lessons, been content and left it at that.

After that day I went on to learn the violin, vocal, saxaphone, and yes the organ. My first organ looked like the one in the picture. I later went on to teach music and played on a huge 3 keyboard organ that touched the soul when played well.

I cannot look at used hammond organs without remembering the day I arrived at her place to see a new organ. I was shocked that she was getting ready to learn another instrument. All those years ago I didn't understand, now I do.

I grew to play professionally, and then teach. I still cannot walk through a piano store without remembering. I smiled I saw a site for The Piano Man, a friendly store in the Boston area. There are some memories that we let go. There are some that we remember. And there are some that we nurture. I cannot see a piano without nurturing this memory.
Where will my journey end? Probably not until I am in my 70s, just like my piano teacher. However, I will not be learning how to play an organ. I want to learn to play a hammond electronic pipe organ, like the one shown in the picture.

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