Friday, March 21, 2008

Males Take Note: Singing is the Way to a Partner's Heart

This is so true. I live for my husband's smiles. No matter how bad the situation is, if he smiles at me, I relax. He has learned this truth. If he wants control of a situation, then smile. I am far more likely to give him control of a situation if he smiles and I 'feel' that he has everything in hand, than if he gets angry or starts arguing with me.

A smile is an emotional way to tell a woman that everything is all right, you are in control, and you don't see why everyone else is upset.

Males Take Note: Singing is the Way to a Partner's Heart

You're a warm-blooded male, you're desperate to find someone special and you reckon you've tried everything? Well here's a tip from the experts: try singing.

Australian scientists have found that bursting into song is a sure-fire way to attract the attention of passing females.

But before you try it in public, a word of caution. The researchers were working in the Pacific Ocean. And they were studying humpback whales.

The marine biologists found that male humpbacks who sing while migrating to their summer feeding grounds attract more mates than their silent companions.

They even discovered that the male singers slow down when they are swimming to make sure their songs are heard by as many females as possible.

Whale songs are among the most complex sounds made by any animal, and can be heard underwater at a distance of more than 15 kilometres.

Song selection is important here though. We have no way of determining the song list of the average whale so they're no help, but you should be thoughful when deciding on the tune you're planning on belting out.

So, the next time you're out on a date, the conversation drops a little, you're thinking to yourself "What can I do here...?", launch into song.

Pick the mood right and it could be a great success - assuming of course you can sing. If it doesn't go well, picture what happens late at night in your average karaoke bar. Not a good thing on your first date.

You'll never look back...but a few others in the restaurant might.

See partner4real for more health, diet, nutrition and online dating tips for singles.

.See partner4real for more health, diet, nutrition and online dating tips for singles.

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