Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How To Win a Woman's Love

I once talked to a famous marriage therapist who said that 'once a woman decides to leave, there is no winning her back.' He didn't say this to disparage women, but to remind men that women do not forgive indefinitely. They do have limits.

Women were forgiving, but they won't be treated like a door mat forever. The time to 'save your marriage' is long before you find how far she will let you push her.

My new husband puts it this way 'you can either give your wife your time now, or your money later.'

How To Get Your Girlfriend Back: Shocking Truth

In this article, we're going to talk about the common mistakes most all men make when trying to get their girlfriend back. Pay close attention because you're probably doing at least some of these things without even knowing it. If you want her back bad enough, you'll read on.

1. Telling her you love her over and over again.

Don't act like a little puppy dog and beg for her back. She'll just lose respect for you and you'll only end up pushing her further away from you than she already is. A lot of guys thing the reason she left them is because they didn't verbalize their love enough when in fact this is usually never true.

2. Buying her flowers and other such gifts.

Bribery isn't going to work when getting your girlfriend back. That's actually how women interpret it you know. As bribery and they think it's pathetic. Save the flowers for the relationship; not the breakup.

3. Acting depressed and sad in order to make her feel sorry for you.

Acting like a little puppy dog isn't going to win you any points either. This just makes you look desperate and thus pushes her further and further away from you. Man up and pull yourself together.

4. Generally being overly nice in order to "win her over".

Again, acting overly nice will be interpreted by your ex as you being a little puppy dog. I'm not saying you should suddenly start acting like a jerk (that won't get you anywhere either). There is a line to be drawn and generally kissing up to your ex girlfriend will only cause her to lose respect for you.

5. Using guilt to get her back. Kids, money, etc.

I see a lot of guys trying to manipulate their ex girlfriends with kids, money and other such things. You can make her feel as guilty as you want but that will not get back the one thing you need in droves (attraction). This type of behavior will only make her resent you all the more.

6. Attempting to persuade her with reason and logic to get back with you.

Us men are very logical creatures. We think that everything can be fixed logically. Attempting to persuade your ex girlfriend to go back out with you (for whatever reason) will only push her away. She doesn't want to hear logic, she wants to feel emotion. Emotion is the key.

7. Doing absolutely nothing.

And finally, doing absolutely nothing will definitely ensure your failure. There are very specific steps you can follow to get your ex girlfriend back. These steps are based on advanced female psychology.

To sum everything up, you can't use cheap manipulation that women can see right though when attempting to get your ex back. Buying her presents, using guilt, making her feel sorry for you, telling her you love her (with an agenda), using logic and reason (when women will only respond to emotion). Don't feel bad though; almost every guy going through a breakup does

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