Thursday, February 21, 2008

Stop Snoring - Do Snoring Exercises Help You Stop Snoring or is it Another Scam?

I have a problem snoring. I only started snoring in the last few years. At first I ignored the problem, but then I started to wonder if it could be helped, so I went looking for articles to help. I included some of the better ones in this blog.

If you are a snorer, chances are you may have heard of snoring exercises that can help you stop this annoying problem. You may wonder whether it really works or are they all just nonsense. As humans, we often disregard remedies that are new or different and do not bother trying them out even more so if they are health related. Hence, you may be suspicious if someone were to tell you that these exercises do any good at all. However, these exercises are scientifically linked to the principle that snoring is caused by weak throat muscles that collapse during sleep. Therefore, they make some sense after all as they are aimed at strengthening the throat and jaw muscles which is directly related to snoring.

Improving Muscle Tone

Snoring exercises that are done consistently and regularly do stop snoring as they are aimed at improving muscle tone around the throat. These exercises are easy to perform and should be done daily for a few minutes. It can be done anywhere and does not require any equipment. All you have to do is open your mouth as wide as you can and then close it shut. Make sure your lips meet when you close your mouth. Next, pucker your lips as though you are going to kiss someone and hold this position for ten seconds before relaxing. After that, put on the widest smile you possibly can, hold it and then relax. You may perform these exercises in any order you desire.

If the cause of your snoring is due to your tongue falling back into your throat, the following exercises may help you. Stick your tongue out as far as you can, make sure it stays in the middle, hold it for 5 seconds then relax. You aim is to stick your tongue our further each day. Over time, your tongue and throat muscles will get stronger and you will notice that the results. You may also try touching the tip of your nose and chin with your tongue. This method provides some sort of guide as your nose and chin act like indicators for your tongue.

Singing also helps tone the muscle tissues that line your air passage. If these muscle tissues are weak, they tend to lax and cause you to snore when you sleep. Singing through the vowels can be helpful as well as certain notes, try singing 'La' and 'Li' repeatedly.

Most Natural Way to Stop Snoring

Snoring exercises are convenient and can be done almost anywhere at anytime of the day. These exercises are free and do not do any harm for you to try it out before moving on to other therapies. On the other hand, surgery and other aids seem drastic and may also cause some side effects as compared to the natural way to remedy snoring. So, if you are asking whether these exercises do help? The answer is yes, they do and with no side effects.

Find out more on Stop Snoring Exercises by visiting a popular stop snoring website that provides free stop snoring tips, advice and resources to help you stop this annoying problem.

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